Report DNS abuse to CleanDNS

Report DNS Abuses to Ensure Regulatory and ICANN Compliance Requirements

We want to keep the Internet secure and safe for every user. CleanDNS works with infrastructure providers such as registrars, registries, hosting provider, as well as cybersecurity companies, individuals, and more to monitor the domain name system (DNS) ecosystems to defend against malicious activities that threaten the DNS. Examples of DNS abuse include phishing, spam, malware, botnets, credential theft, and pharming. By reporting these forms of abuse, CleanDNS is on a mission to clean up the Internet for good by detecting and mitigating these harms rapidly and efficiently through the proper methods, in order to reduce victimization and make the Internet a better, safer place.

We invite you to report DNS abuse to us by submitting a report through NetBeacon. CleanDNS will receive a copy of your report for any of our clients, further document it, and perform rapid mitigation on the abuse. Reports are standardized, vetted, and reviewed by an analyst for further action.

What DNS Abuse Can You Report?

Here are some of the types of abuse you can report:

  • Phishing attempts to deceive people into sharing important personal information—banking information, logins, passwords, and credit card numbers. Information gained in phishing attempts can be sold and used to defraud individual victims.
  • Spam is a volume game broadly defined as messages sent en masse to as many people as possible. Spam is often used to send inappropriate or irrelevant marketing messages, phishing attempts, and other attempts at online abuse.
  • Malware is software that is created to gain access to a user’s computer to steal information or turn the infected device into a drone in a larger botnet. Malware can appear as legitimate software but with changed code users may not notice.
  • Botnets A botnet is the name given to a network of personal computers or other devices infected with malicious software without the individual user’s knowledge. Botnets can be used to send spam and in online attacks against websites or institutions.

How to Report Online Abuse

If you suspect or have witnessed online abuse, sharing a report is the most impactful action you can take. Make sure you have any screenshots, logs, or other evidence of the domain being used for malicious purposes.

Who can report abuse?

  • Internet Users Anyone that happens upon or falls victim to online abuse can and should use NetBeacon to report it.
  • Law Enforcement Agencies Law enforcement officials who receive reports of online abuse (scams, phishing attempts, spam, botnets, etc.) can report online abuse directly, or refer complainants to file a report themselves to flag the incident with registrars to investigate and take action where appropriate.
  • Consumer Protection Agencies Consumer protection agencies can report online abuse knowing that the report will reach the appropriate parties who can investigate and take action.
  • Internet Security Agencies CleanDNS greatly simplifies online abuse reporting for Internet security and threat intelligence agencies. It replaces numerous, often ad-hoc processes, allowing agencies to report phishing, spam, botnets, malware, and other scams and consumer fraud attempts to the appropriate parties.

Join us in Cleaning Up the Internet for Good.

Interested in integrating with CleanDNS directly? Contact us to learn more.

CleanDNS is an abuse management and online harm mitigation solution, working with DNS and website infrastructure entities to report, evidence, and mitigate DNS abuse and online harms. We partner with industry providers, cybersecurity organizations, researchers, governments, and more to streamline remediation by integrating with our clients to root out abuse for good. CleanDNS reduces friction and streamlines communication throughout the mitigation and disruption process with our evidence-based model. Start your trial today and learn how our abuse management solution can help report, detect, and root out online harms and DNS abuse for good.